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做完treatment塊面超軟滑! 好耐冇試過皮膚咁好! 超感動! 次次都有大房俾我做treatment, 真係休息到, 好想個個星期都來做treatment!

C. Ng

響呢度做完treatment keep 到好耐! 唔會瞓醒第2日就打回原形! 人手facial 都有料到, 做機就更明顯。回不去了...


😍😘在這裡護理皮膚已經8年, 看著皮膚一天一天變美, 心情真的很好! 以前真的沒想過自己5年後可以比8年前更健康更漂亮!

K. C. Lee

好喜歡這裡的環境和服務, 全個團隊每一位都細心為改善我的皮膚著想, 看得出每位都好用心, 好熱愛美容。Treatment 效果一直很滿意。

Chloe Chan

BA 係我遇到最Friendly的美容中心,態度好,唔Hard Sell.

Bernice Chan

I’ve had the best experience here with REAL treatment and longer last! Dr. * is a professional in skincare and inside out beauty knowledge. Beauticians are nice, polite and professional with close follow up. I fully recommend BA services. 

H. Au

Dr.* and her team are professional through and through with an amazing depth of knowledge and highly evolved level of skills. I recommend her services 100%.

Ansul Noor

皮膚是人體單一最大的器官。對於皮膚的健康, 本來就應該像重視內科一樣的重視。有醫學基礎一定更可靠.

H. Wu

Unique treatments and products with good services and environment.

Vivienne Ng

Bloggers' Sharings

Abby BeautyLand

"...個view超靚,佈置又夠簡潔,位於銅鑼灣,地點方便,做完facial仲可以去埋 #shopping 🛍️,真係身心都排晒毒🎉 #sohappy💖💕..."

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陳樂榣 Alley Chan - 藝人

"效果更令我喜出望外...真心讚👍...即時見到自己膚色由內而外的白淨,毛孔不見了,皮膚超有光澤...膚色均勻返晒, 乾紋唔見晒...成個星期後仲有效果!"

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"...呢度環境好舒服,  整個Facial過程好舒服, 美容師服務細心。做完之後見到面部下垂位置有拉提效果, 面部浮腫問題改善咗, 輪廓都出返嚟~..."

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Winnie Lai

這裡景色不但好 , (美容師)還手勢好好, 我做著V-Line lifting 竟然睡著了。




皮膚敏感真係比較難搵地方做facial....呢個(V-Line Lift) 適合任何皮膚做嘅療程又有效果,仲要咁嘅價錢真係非常難得!

Bloggers' Sharings


"呢度環境好正👍,仲有靚景💞可以打個卡 💖💕 美容師嘅手法亦好溫柔, 做完馬上見到輪廓出返曬嚟. 一次既效果已經咁明顯❤️❤️❤️❤️"

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Mandy Wong

"呢度環境好舒服,落地玻璃,全維園景。🌟 完成後 肌膚即時亮白、水腫退了,最勁係提升度非常明顯、嘴角向上拉提左,虎紋淡左。😍😍😍"

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Miss · K

"呢度環境好舒服, 未開始做facial都已經令你放鬆哂個人so happy💖💕 做機之前,美容師會先做皮膚分析,等你了解自己嘅肌膚..."

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